Surface and Groundwater Monitoring
Acquiring and Delivering Data for Management and Reporting

For 20 years Eyasco has been on the leading edge of integrated hardware, telemetry and data management tools. We are genuinely excited by some of the latest developments which promise to make data collection easier and less expensive - and more accessible for deployment to remote sites.
EWS Monitoring Components

The EWS Well-Cap device is designed to be light weight, rugged and easy to install on a well casing - simplifying automated groundwater monitoring, making it easy to automate the measurement of groundwater levels and quality parameters and transmit data from anywhere over Satellite or 4GLTE. The EWS Switch is a powerful, yet compact multi-communications enabled IoT device designed specifically for remote environmental monitoring. Connect to any standard environmental sensor and transmit data from anywhere via Satellite or Cellular network communications.

Our range of innovative monitoring devices uses the Iridium satellite constellation to transmit critical sensor data in hard-to-reach places to data hosting servers. The system
is low power, compact, and easy to deploy. With both satellite and cellular communications options, transmission of critical surface water data is now possible
from anywhere.
Easily Generate Reports for any Purpose

Eyasco works closely with our customers to not only keep them informed, but to make sure they are able to easily satisfy all government mandated reporting requirements. This means providing a suite of reports and reporting options that can run on demand, or be delivered automatically at a time of their choosing. Eyasco can also deliver data directly to online data resources such the the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC) maintained by California Department of Water Resources.