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NorCal Water Monitoring Installation

Water Monitoring


Water Monitoring for Flow, Level, Turbidity

NEW COPY HERE.......Eyasco builds integrated systems to measure flow in diversions via pumps or irrigation canals, as well as reservoir storage volumes. The project described here is on a ranch in monitoring systems consist of a QuB 300 Monitoring system, 4G cellular modem, 30 Watt Solar Panel, and an Acoustic Doppler Flow Meter. 


The Acoustic Doppler Flow Meter is a cost effective solution over the construction of a weir. The sensor profiles water velocities and uses the stream’s cross-sectional area to determine flow rates. The sensor can also provide additional stream information such as stage and water temperature. This sensor can be installed in many applications including canals, culverts, pipes, and natural streams.


The system records flow rates every 15 minute and uploads the data to our servers every hour. Eyasco’s Merlin software uses these flow rate measurements to create an annual total flow report, which summarizes the flow information by year and months. This report can be generated automatically on a schedule or manually via the Grabdata Reports interface.

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